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Studio Tips - Page 2

Everything in its place

I firmly believe in the old saying of everything in it's place.  I like to be tidy.  If I need something, I know exactly where it is and I can find it immediately.  I find this helps my work flow.  If I'm working and need something, I can usually grab it without disrupting what I'm doing.

1. Computer Monitor Arm

This was $40 from Fry's.  It let's me keep my computer screen and keyboard right next to my keyboards and it let's me push it out of the way when I don't need it.  The only problem is that it requires something very sturdy to hook it to.

2. File Cabinet

I could not survive a week without my files.  I keep a file for each piece of gear I own and in it I put the manuals, any handouts or fliers that came with it, and any notes I've taken.  I also file manuals, sheet music, contacts, original notes on new songs and poems, and brochures of equipment I'm researching

3. PDF Manuals

And speaking of researching new equipment...all manufactures put PDFs of their manuals online.  I will download and read the manual for a piece of gear before I buy it.  Usually this means that I know more about it that the salesman.

4. Good Chair

Everything in its place, including my ass.  A very comfortable chair with good back support is essential.  I got this chair as payment for a recording gig and it's the third most expensive piece of gear in my studio.  I've taken both the arms off so they don't get in the way while I'm playing keys, guitar or bass.

5. Guitar Hooks

I love these.  If they're good enough for music stores, they're good enough for me.  It keeps my guitars out of the way and they become very nice decorations.

6. Drink holder

I don't have one yet.  I want one that clips on to my rack stand so my drink will be below my gear.  I spilled an entire pint of Guiness into my Peavey DPM C8 once.  I'm never doing that again.

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